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What to watch on TV tonight: Monday

Here are the shows that’ll be on your Twitter timeline later.

Image: PA Wire/Press Association Images

EVERY WEEKDAY lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.

Ripper Street (RTE One, 11.15pm) Your chance to catch the Victorian-set crime series from the very start – and try to spot the scenes filmed in Ireland. Follow ye old timey policemen in funny hats as they tear through London’s Whitechapel, trying to figure out whodunit. #ripperstreet

Man vs Weird (Channel 4, 10pm) New series. Simon Farnaby trots the globe, meeting the wildest people worldwide. This week, he’s in Croatia meeting a 9-year-old called Ivan who claims to have magnetic powers and a man in Georgia who can stick spoons to himself. Think Uri Geller writ large. #manvsweird

Republic of Telly (RTE Two, 9.30pm) Last episode of the series, which has been going from strength to strength recently. The recent Surelook spoof of Sherlock springs to mind. Expect topical comedy and sketches. #republicoftelly #rot

Everyone is talking about: #90210

SCREAM! Jason Priestley, every 90s girl’s heartthrob, has come out to say that he would be up for a classic Beverly Hills, 90210 reunion. Imagine it: Brandon, Brenda, the Peach Pit, the issues, and just Luke Perry and Tori Spelling in general.

In an interview with Access Hollywood, Priestley said: ”I mean, if the right project came to all of us, I’m sure we would all do it because we’re all friends with each other, so sure.” MAKE IT HAPPEN! Just listen to that guitar riff in the intro.

Source: Jan Schmelter/YouTube

Or switch over for…

  • Cork’s MEGAPORT (TV3, 9pm) is on for your viewing pleasure. MEGAPORT!
  • New Girl (RTE Two, 8pm) with your fix of manic pixie dream girl Zooey.
  • DIY SOS (BBC One, 9pm) sees Nick Knowles help out a woman who needs her home made accessible after a brain injury.
  • The Savage Eye (RTE Two, 10pm) serves up some Irish satire realness. 
  • Copacabana Palace (BBC Two, 9pm) is a documentary about a resort in Brazil, presumably featuring music and dancing because they’re always in fashion at the Copa.

More: Fran from Love/Hate is officially a Dad…

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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