EVERY WEEKDAY lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Bingo Nights (TV3, 9pm)
This is the first part of a two part special about life in Ireland’s bingo halls. Scoff all you like, but this sounds strangely compelling. ALL THE FIVES! LEGS ELEVEN! #BingoNights
Masterchef (BBC One, 8pm)
The first round is over and we can finally see the cooking wannabees shoved into a boiling hot kitchen to be roared at by a puce-faced chef. Bliss. Gregg the Burglar and John Torode will be licking spoons to beat the band. #Masterchef
How to Get a Council House (Ch4, 9m)
The last in the series sees each householder explaining why they think they deserve the keys to the coveted house in the London area of Tower Hamlets, where there are 20,000 households on the waiting list. #HTGACH
Trending: A ‘yellow wedding’ for The Simpsons
Not content with letting Game of Thrones take all the bloodshed glory, we’ve been warned by creators of The Simpsons to expect the death of a character in an upcoming ‘yellow wedding’ episode.
Fear not though, they’ve also said it’s not an ‘iconic character’. We would argue that every Simpson’s character is iconic, but what in the name of George R R Martin would we know about anything?
Or switch over for…
- Chelsea v Atletico Madrid (RTE 2, 7.30pm) It’s the second Champions League semi final. ME NERVES!
- Derek (Ch4, 10pm) Ricky Gervais’ latest comedy was one of the most tweeted about shows last Wednesday
- The Ugly Truth (RTE One, 9.35pm) The midweek movie stars Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler (hopefully not attempting an Irish accent)
- Nadia Goes to Hollywood (3e, 9pm) In the second part of the series (which is an HOUR long) Nadia goes surfing and gets into a row