IT’S THE FIRST of December. For some, it’s officially the beginning of Christmas. But then there are those who won’t entertain a bit of glitter until the 20th.
What side do you sit on? Are you just counting down the hours until this evening to put up your tree, or are you going to wait it out for another few weeks?
The perfect excuse is that the Toy Show is over and it’s December now, the month of Christmas. When you Google it, there are a load of conflicting reports as to what is right and what is a wrong time to put up a tree. The most universally agreed date for Ireland is December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Also known as, culchie day.
Others say the beginning of advent, the fourth Sunday before Christmas. That was November 27 this year, so your tree should already be up if you’re of this frame of mind.
We’re putting it over to you – Are you putting up your tree today?