IT’S SUNDAY EVENING and hark! What’s that?…
It’s the strains of the Where in the World and Glenroe theme tunes. Do you have your homework done?
What better time to take a trip down memory lane and have a look at some of the quiz shows and kids shows presented to us by RTÉ in the eighties and nineties.
We’ll kick it off with a Sunday evening favourite…
Where in the World
Images: RTE/RTE Player
Blackboard Jungle 1996
Images: YouTube/JohnMurphy
Know Your Sport 1995
Images: YouTube/HappyCrappyNappy
Murphy’s Micro Quiz M 1987
Image: Old Moore’s Almanac
Images: YouTube/Evolverman
Anything Goes 1980
Images: RTE/RTE Player
The Lyrics Board 1992
Images: RTE/RTE Player
Scratch Saturday 1991
Images: RTE/RTE Player
Play The Game
Images: YouTube/AngelAndHerBand