AISLING BEA, THE unofficial Kween of Kildare, is an absolute gem on social media.
Aisling’s fears, obsessions and thoughts on twitter identify with Complete-Aislings in all of us. If Miggeldy Higgins wants to cement his second term, Aisling should be his running partner. #AislingforVicePresident
Here’s just a taster of some of the most relatable AF tweets over the past 6 months:
1. Her brexit fears are all of our brexit fears
2. She’s got caught up in Markle mania too
3. Diplomatically, she’s is legit the only one to hold a candle to Miggeldy Higgins
4. Eating etiquette is something she thinks deeply about
5. On joining the mile high club…
6. Her take on the last match of the Six Nations 2018 season
7. Zero patience like the rest of us
8. She’s a real romantic at heart
9. Life isn’t black and white with her
10. No one has summed up the Irish genetics better