WHEN YOU’RE SEARCHING for something on the internet, good old Uncle Google is likely to be fairly high on the list in terms of ports of call.
And Google is a fan of suggesting what you might be searching for or offering what if thinks you might be trying to find out.
Anything from “Barack Obama is… your new bicycle” to “please stop finishing my… sentences” to “why does…everyone hate Nickelback?” and “is Google… making us stupid”.
So what else does Google think you want to know. Or maybe what does Google want you to know?
We asked the search engine some basic questions:
In 2011 the top search terms worldwide according to Google were Rebecca Black, Google +, Ryan Dunn, Casey Anthony and Battlefield 3. Ireland’s fastest rising searches were Donedeal, iPhone 5 and Rugby World Cup, while ‘how to shuffle’ was one of the top queries, followed by ‘how to study’.