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Which Beyoncé Era Are You?

No matter what score you get, you’re still a Beyoncé. There’s no losing.


1. If you found €50 what would you do with it?
Buy a round of drinks for my mates
Hand it in to security/where ever's nearby in case someone's looking for it

Take it and treat myself
2. Where would you prefer to socialize?
A spa in a fancy hotel with my significant other or best friends

The place my significant other said they were going but I don't believe them so I'm going to catch them out
4. How would you prefer to celebrate a birthday?
Have someone throw a surprise party for me so I don't have to worry about making any arrangements. Need to have everything be done for me by someone else
Really happy just to spend the day doing something low key with my bf/gf maybe if my family are around do something with them

I wanna go out and get plastered
I don't like making a big deal would rather just let my birthday go past with out making a fuss.
5. If someone very important to you hurt your feelings how would you react?
I would try put myself in their position and understand why they did it, eventually forgive them.
Make them really regret it. Show them how much they need me and remind them I can leave them whenever I feel like it.

Go out with my friends, let them cheer me up, give out about it loads, have a nice night out and then return to the situation once I got over it and let it go.
Boy, bye. Just forget about them completely.
7. Are people scared of you?
No I'm not physically intimidating
Ian West/PA Archive/PA Images
Yes because I am physically intimidating

Probably, because I'm a bitch
Suzan Moore/EMPICS Entertainment
People know I wouldn't hurt a bug even though I am very capable.
8. If you had to go to a really important event (birthday, wedding etc.) for a close friend and you got sick and couldn't go, how do you expect they would take it?
Andy Butterton/PA Archive/PA Images
They would understand and forgive me.
PictureGroup/SIPA USA/PA Images
They probably would get annoyed because I'm not really reliable and it wouldn't have been the first time I let them down.

They would have to just get over it. I'm not going to apologize any more than I have to.
Myung Jung Kim/PA Archive/PA Images
I would force myself to go, no matter how sick I was.
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
2017 Pregnant Beyoncé
Everyone loves you. You could cancel Coachella because you're pregnant with twins and everyone would be completely understanding and forgive you. You're the smartest and coolest you've ever been and it's only all up from here.
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You scored out of !
Self Titled Album Era Beyoncé
You love having a laugh and you're mad for a few drinks. All you care about in life is having a good time and you don't let anyone get in the way of that. Keep it up.
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You scored out of !
Lemonade Beyoncé
You are confident and more importantly ruthless. If anyone wrongs you, you are guaranteed to make an example of them as a warning to anyone else who ever thinks of crossing you. Even if it means making a show of your own husband.
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Andy Butterton/PA Archive/PA Images
You scored out of !
You are early 00s Beyoncé
You haven't reached your full potential yet but you will soon enough. You probably prefer her older songs so this suits you. You still get to be a Beyoncé so don't worry.
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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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