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Which Fade Street Character Are You?

We know you’re dying to find out.

Fade-Street-Dublin-Ireland cover

1. Have you ever been late to pay rent?
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Yeah, once or twice.

I live with my parents.
2. Picture this: you've just started a new job and the editor of Stellar magazine walks in and tells you and the only other intern that one of you needs to work on the weekend of Oxegen. It's 2009, and Oxegen is still a really popular festival, so nobody wants to miss it. For some strange reason, the editor leaves it up to you and the other intern to decide who gets to go to Oxegen. Will you sacrifice your weekend at a music festival for work?
I'd give it a miss, just so I could make a better impression than the other intern.
If I had a ticket there's no way I'd miss it and I'd make that very clear to all parties.

The fairest way to decide is to flip a coin.
I'd give Oxegen a miss. I'm not into all that stuff anyway.
3. A friend is about to head out on a date in Dublin but hasn't really got a clue where to go. How many places would you be able to recommend?
None, really.
A handful.

Loads - and I'd love to sit them down and help them plan the entire thing.
So many. I know a few people in bars/restaurants who could probably look after them pretty well for the entire night too.
4. Have you ever worked in retail?
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5. If someone you live with is consistently doing something that you find annoying, how do you take it up with them?
Ignore it for a while, but eventually let it all out one day and shout at them because it has gone too far.
Leave them to it. No need to get worked up over it, I'll just try not to pay attention to it.

Give out about it to your mates behind their back, just so you can let off some steam. There's no need to bring it up and cause tension.
Organise a meeting, sit them down and list off every occasion they've been disrespectful to you and offer them one last chance to redeem themselves.
6. Have you got a college degree?
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7. One of your acquaintances comes to you and tells you that a guy you were seeing was trying to chat her up when she was out last night. How do you react?
Confront the guy as soon as possible, to get his side of the story.
Passive aggressively cut it off with this guy - ghost him.

Wonder why this acquaintance is trying to stir shit between you and your boyfriend.
Wait until you see him in person and then go mad at him - maybe pour a drink on him for dramatic effect.
8. It's still a bit early, but do you have a vague idea of your plans for New Year's Eve 2017?
Yeah, a house party.
I have the entire party season meticulously planned. I know when my work party is, my 12 pubs of Christmas, where I'm going on Christmas Eve, what I'm going to do the nights after Christmas and exactly where I'm going for NYE. I've got tickets secured for most of these events already.

I'll just float to anywhere my friends are heading that night.
9.Would you ever emigrate?
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Yes. Absolutely. I'd be really disappointed with my life if I didn't spend at least a few years living somewhere far away from Ireland.
Nah, I'm happy enough where I am.

I've moved to bigger towns/cities in Ireland but I think that has satisfied me. No need to go abroad - and if I did, it'd be no further than London.
Who knows what'll happen? I'm just taking it day by day.
10. Would you ever be willing to participate in a show like Fade Street?
Yeah, it would be a laugh.
Yeah, being on TV can offer you so many opportunities.

I would have when I was younger and didn't know any better, but for now it's a firm no.
No way. Never.
11. Have you ever even watched Fade Street?
Fade Street Social
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You're Dani. You like to take life at your own pace. You're not the type of person who feels guilty when they're late for something or is in a huge rush to pay back a mate who gave them a lend. When Dani moved to Fade Street, she was just an intern from Wexford without any major plan for her life. Since then, she has just gone with the flow and everything (more or less) worked out for her. She doesn't cope well in dramatic situations and can lose the head a little bit easier than other Fade Street characters.
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You're Louise. Louise liked to be in charge of things. She'd mock roommate Dani for being disrespectful towards figures of authority, without realising that she, too, had a problem with authority. Unlike Dani (who was always late or disorganised), Louise's problem with authority was that she wanted to have more control over things. When she did, she thrived. For some reason, Louise is very secretive. It wasn't until 9 episodes in that she revealed she was studying in UCD and it wasn't until the second season that we found out she has a car and could drive. Where would you even park that on Fade Street? Louise should have been a secondary school teacher. She doesn't appreciate any messing - from roommates, men, or otherwise.
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You're Paul. Paul thinks the whole show was really stupid and embarrassing, and was only involved in it because he was roped into it by his girlfriend at the time. A Wexford native (who still remains there to this day), Paul's not into all these weird Dublin notions. He never hesitated to call any of the Fade Street cast gobshites, even to their face sometimes. If you're a cynical person, this probably sounds great to you. However, Paul's expression of all this frustration was absolutely hilarious and inadvertently contributed to the show in really a positive way.
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You're Vogue. Did you even know Vogue Williams was on Fade Street? Possibly not. She has had so many business ventures since then and y'know, married Brian McFadden and all of that. Seven years and one husband later, Vogue's still always landing on her feet, exactly how she did in Fade Street.
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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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