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Which Irish Food Trend Are You?

Time to find out.


1. When's the last time you did a bit of exercise?
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Probably in secondary school PE, to be honest.
I joined a gym a while ago, but I barely ever go.

Today. Or at least, I plan to work out later on.
At some stage in the last month.
2. What's your favourite takeaway?
Camile Thai
Thai food

A Spicebag
3. Have you ever bought a copy of 'Kerrang!'?
4. Have you ever ran a marathon?
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5. If you had your way, what would Ireland's next food trend be?
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Gourmet Hot Dogs
I just really want Poké Bowls to happen.

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Belgian waffles
Vegan junk food
6. When's the last time that you owed a friend or family member some money?
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I owe someone money at the moment.
I've definitely taken a loan of money at some stage in 2018.

It's been ages.
I'd never take a lend of money. I'd rather have no money than to feel like somebody was waiting on me to give them money.
7. Do you like spicy foods?
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Yep, big time. As spicy as possible, please.
I like a little bit of spice, but not so much that I can't even taste the food.

Nah, I can't eat spicy stuff.
8. Is the term 'cheat meal' just a joke to you?
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Yep. Every one of my meals is a 'cheat meal'.
No, I genuinely have my cheat days.
9. What's the first food you go for when you've got a hangover?
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Some lovely cold, refreshing fruit. Nothing better when you're feeling a bit ropey.
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A big dirty fry.

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Some fancy brunch.
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Whatever's left in my local deli.
10. What's your favourite part of Dublin?
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Camden Street

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Temple Bar.
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Ha! I don't like any part of Dublin.
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You scored out of !
Ahh. Donuts. Donuts were a real novelty for a while but most people have grown tired of them. At this stage, it's probably tourists that keep most donut shops open, because most locals aren't arsed paying €3 for a little cake anymore. You used to be the star of the show, but people grew bored of you. It's not too late to turn things around.
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The one Dublin food trend that has managed to stick. Yes, burritos in Dublin began as a bit of a fad and are the primary source of sustenance for grown men who still love pop punk (we're not judging you), but thanks to their practicality and very reasonable price, they're probably going to stick around. Burritos are relaxed. They don't require the notions that most of Ireland's other food trends do. They're a nice snack for vegans and meat-eaters alike and they're always reliably tasty. Burritos are that one friend who's always there when you need them. You know that friend, who you can go months without talking to, but then once you're reunited, you just pick up exactly where you left off? That's what a burrito is like.
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You're OTT milkshakes. Remember back in 2009 when everyone was going into little shops and instructing the cashiers to stick 2 Kinder Buenos, a packet of Maltesers, some strawberries and a fistful of Jelly Tots into a blender? That's who you are. Overly indulgent and a bit mad, but you've since calmed down and stepped out of the spotlight.
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€5 Green Juice
You are €5 Green Juice. €5 is a lot to pay for some mashed up fruit and vegetables, but depending on the type of person you are, you might be happy with that title. You go to the gym. You do loads of exercise. You eat healthily. You make sure everybody knows about it. You don't fall for food trends, unless they're uber healthy and elaborate. And expensive.
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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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