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Which takeaway pizza matches your personality?

Maybe you order a lot of Domino’s, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you are Domino’s.

1. Pick a sauce.
Scott Heavey/PA Wire/PA Images
Richard B. Levine/SIPA USA/PA Images
Jens Kalaene/DPA/PA Images
Garlic sauce

Ian Nicholson/PA Archive/PA Images
BBQ sauce
2. Pick a side.
Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA/PA Images
3. When do you usually tend to order pizza?
Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA/PA Images
I'll order it any day of the week
Usually on payday or if I'm at a party. Not that often

Weekends/As often as I'm hungover
4. What is your preferred takeaway option?
Ben Birchall/PA Wire/PA Images
Niall Carson/PA Wire/PA Images
Anna Gowthorpe/PA Archive/PA Images

Steve Parsons/PA Archive/PA Images
Pizza obviously
5. Pick a social situation you would prefer
Matthias Balk/DPA/PA Images
Klaus Bergmann/DPA/PA Images
Hanging out at home, playing video games or watching TV with friends
Zak Hussein/EMPICS Entertainment
Going out, running wild and getting extremely drunk with best friends

Artur Widak/SIPA USA/PA Images
Going to a pub and having a laugh with a few mates
6. Are you a dog person or cat person?
Christoph Schmidt/DPA/PA Images
Dog person
Liam McBurney/PA Wire/PA Images
Cat person

Michael Reichel/DPA/PA Images
7. Pick some toppings
Sven Hoppe/DPA/PA Images
Mushrooms, onions, sweetcorn, peppers
Rolf Vennenbernd/DPA/PA Images
Chicken, ham, bacon, any other meat

Steve Parsons/PA Archive/PA Images
Either just cheese or cheese and pepperoni
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You're extremely normal. You're not too flashy and you rarely do anything unpredictable. People trust you and think you're dependable. Apache's promotion €10 for any sized pizza that they did a few years ago made them the kind of trustworthy mate that you could bring to a party and be safe in the knowledge that they wouldn't smash the place up. That's you.
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You're hungover pretty often. You're pretty flashy but is there any substance to you? That's a whole other quiz in itself and maybe something people discuss over several weeks of therapy. In the mean time, just know that you're popular and most people like you.
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Mizzoni's Pizza
People like you most when they are drunk. You're the type of person who shows up at a party and everyone's wondering who brought you, but at the same time nobody is sorry to see you. Like Mizzoni, you can do some unexpected stuff that everyone will appreciate, like when they introduced that big wagon wheel pizza during the Celtic Tiger.
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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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