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Here's why flaking is the ultimate friendship crime

Flaking is for pastries, not people.

WE’VE ALL EXPERIENCED IT, and we’ve definitely all done it ourselves.

We have plans to meet a pal (or a few pals) but when the time comes, we’re not in the mood, or we’d prefer to do something else. So this text gets trotted out:


Flaking is almost as old as friendship itself, but it’s time we nipped the practice in the bud – here’s why.

Firstly, we know that staying home is great

liz-lemon-yes-to-staying-in-more Source: Wordpress

Sure, who are you talking to! Sitting down is our number one hobby.

There are times when flaking is understandable, nay, required

Sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes you ARE really tired. That’s OK.

But regular flaking is just not sound

Mike-Ehrmantraut-Shakes-His-Head-Breaking-Bad Source: Gifrific

We all know that one consistent flaker, who backs out at the last minute, double books you, or simply forgets you were meeting.

Some people have not seen friends in YEARS because of regular flaking. It’s a problem.

Not showing up to a group event is one thing

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It’s still not ideal, but at least there are other people to fall back on.

One-on-one flaking, however, is quite another

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Leaving a friend in the lurch is just rude, and especially infuriating if the flaking happens after the other person has left the house. We could have been in our pyjamas right now!

And not informing people of an upcoming flake is the worst of all

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It is, however, one way to guarantee that everyone talks – sorry, complains – about you all night long.

Beware – not committing is an extremely close cousin of flaking

“I’ll meet up with you guys later on in the night!” Mmm-hmm.

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And people do wonder if the flaker even cares about them

Flaking sets off a real existential crisis along the lines of this:

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And it’s not a massive reach, is it?

At the end of the day, bailing at the last minute doesn’t really feel good

SONY DSC Source: Wikimedia

How many times have you flaked on a mate, then regretted it, even just a little bit? Flaking FOMO is one of the most severe levels of FOMO.

And hanging out with your friends is FUN

You’re not a sausage roll. Don’t be flaky.

Heaps_of_sausage_rolls Source: Wikimedia

H/T The Pool

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