Dublin: 8 °C Wednesday 26 March, 2025

Wibbly Wobbly Wonders faced the biggest ice cream injustice Ireland has ever seen

Now we want them back.

IT WAS TAKEN from us too soon.

Every year, about this time, we think fondly of a time when we used to purchase and demolish a delicious Wibbly Wobbly wonder for just 3p.

www Source: Wordpress eledonoghue


They were one of the nicest ice creams in existence

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That jelly though

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You had the delicious strawberry and banana ice cream base, with the lemon jelly and chocolate topping

Nothing can satisfy the gap.

They came back briefly as part of the 80th anniversary celebrations, but were cruelly snatched from us again

#wibblywobblywonder #sun #icecream #work Source: voteforpedr0_

HB confirmed they won’t be bringing them back any time soon


We haven’t seen it as a regular in shops since the late 1990s but it still holds a fond place in our hearts.

They even tasted amazing in the rain.

We won’t rest until justice is served

You can’t just giveth only to taketh off us again.


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