IF YOU WERE TO believe the hype on Instagram, being in your late teens and early twenties is all about sun-soaked brunches, trips to far-flung beaches and being oh-so-in-love. Not to mention always having the craic, 100% of the time. No pressure then.
The reality is that late nights and hectic social schedules can lead to exhausted mornings and sometimes, we just need to recharge our batteries so that we feel like new again.
To ensure that you are able to capture your best moments in crisp detail and that you always have access to Spotify and Netflix during your downtime, we’re giving away two refurbished iPhone 6s from Vodafone X (available to buy in Vodafone stores for €199.99).
So, what always leaves you feeling refreshed and like new when you’re a bit exhausted or worse for wear?
In the bleak month of January this year, we gathered affordable ideas for self-care that included getting breakfast in a nice bakery, wandering around an art gallery and getting a new book out of the library. Maybe it takes a call with your mam when you’re feeling delicate, or a Facetime with an old friend living on the further side of the Atlantic.
Or maybe yours are a little less wholesome – it might take a communal homemade fry after a late night or a duvet day spent watching RuPaul’s Drag Race after a festival weekend to make you feel like new.
Share your survival secrets with us for when you’ve run out of battery (and win one of two iPhone 6s in the process).
How to enter? Just tell us what makes you feel like new.
Simply email your name, location and answer to competitions@thejournal.ie with ‘Vodafone X competition’ in the subject line.
Alternatively tell us on Twitter, including @DailyEdge @VodafoneIreland and #VodafoneX in your tweet, or comment on our Instagram post here.
Terms and conditions: The winner will be selected at random and contacted directly. You must be between the ages of 18-24 to win. Full Journal Media terms and conditions are available here.