Dublin: 11 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

We've got the MOST perfect solution to the wind-proof umbrella

It’s all so clear now!

THESE ZORBING BALLS would be perfect on a day like today.

You would literally be trotting along in your own little bubble, and as an added bonus, getting to  work would be so much fun!

Might be a bit cramped on the Luas though.

tumblr_mi7ltxAylL1ql2603o1_500 Source: Googleusercontent

HPRFPNj Source: Imgur

xTpji Source: Imgur

via Stephen McIntyre

Read: The 7 stages of giving up on your umbrella today>

Is this you? The 9 stages of driving in the rain in Ireland>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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