WE’RE USED TO seeing rip off receipts from various establishments in Dublin City Centre (cough Temple Bar, cough cough).
However this week’s drink of shame comes from Dublin Airport, after Cork’s Red FM’s Neil Prendeville shared this receipt for a glass of white wine costing €10.95.
Surely that’s for a bucket of wine, no? A trough of wine?
No, that’s for 250ml of wine, aka a large glass. Which, to be fair, is one third of a standard bottle.
Dublin Airport has defended the cost pointing out that the €10.95 price tag is for the large glass, and that there is a standard glass of wine available from the same bar for €5.90 (that’s for 175ml of the Spanish Macabeo though, not the swanky Pinto Grigio, which comes in at €7.65 for a standard glass).
It’s not the first time someone’s been floored by their wine receipt at the airport: