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Limerick student's brilliant Wolf of Wall Street parody featured on The Guardian

Fugazi, fugazi…

TOMMY BOLGER IS running for president of UL Student Union, but maybe he should set his sights a little higher.

His Wolf Of Wall Street campaign video – directed and edited by Michael Boyle from Actium Films –  has now been featured on The Guardian and Huffington Post websites and is heading for 80,000 views.

Source: ActiumFilms/YouTube

The Guardian poses the question:


We’d go out on a limb and say… probably. We’ve very close to coming good on that endorsement promise from yesterday.

Bolger has featured in a ‘Rallying the Troops’ follow up video. It’s not a patch on the Wolf of UL, but he knows he’s on to a good thing.

Now, all we need to is to get Michael Boyle’s brilliant video in front of Martin Scorcese’s eyes. Maybe Boyle is the man who can FINALLY get Di Caprio that Oscar.

Read: This UL student candidate made a Wolf of Wall Street parody video. It’s hilarious>

Watch: Dublin barman spills the beans about what happened when he served Beyonce>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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