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Tommy Bolger wins UL election after Wolf of Wall Street parody video

My name is Tommy Bolger…

THE MAN (NAY legend) featured in the University of Limerick Wolf of Wall Street parody video this week has been named the new president of the college’s student union.

Tommy Bolger’s campaign video echoed the Martin Scorcese film, but with added Irish props like €5 notes and bottles of Buckfast.

The video featured on The Guardian website and is now up to 123,000 views on YouTube.

Source: ActiumFilms/YouTube

Last night Bolger was named new SU President after students voted in campus elections yesterday.


DailyEdge.ie endorsed Bolger after hearing where he came down on the important issues:

Tayto or King?

Bolger: Tayto

Ted or Dougal:

Bolger: Dougal

Herbal teas… notions or not notions?

Bolger: I love tea sure who doesn’t? Not a notion in me head.

Limerick student’s brilliant Wolf of Wall Street parody featured on The Guardian>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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