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This woman wrote a superb response to a Tinder date who said he'd marry her if she was slimmer


May have just ruined a shot by wandering in with a cuppa and a Viennese whirl. #oops #NFBDavidFilm #NFB #ziferblat #glamour Source: msmthomas

A WOMAN WHO received a callous note from a Tinder date telling her that he couldn’t go out with her because she wasn’t slim enough has penned the perfect response online.

Michelle Thomas went on a date last week with a man and described the experience on her blog as a “fairly standard Pleasant Evening”.

The next day, however, she received a note from her date explaining that, whilst he had a good time, he couldn’t go out with her again.

I’m not going to bull***t you… I f***ing adore you Michelle and I think you’re the prettiest looking girl I’ve ever met. But my mind gets turned on my someone slimmer.

He continued by explaining that he was “turned on” by her personality, but not by her figure.

We could be amazing friends, we could flirt and joke and adore each other and…. f*** me… I would marry you like a shot if you were a slip of a girl because what you have in that mind of yours is utterly unique, and I really really love it.

“Slip of a girl.”


#morningafter #mermaid #amandapalmer #whatanight Source: msmthomas

In response, Thomas took to her blog to pen a rather excellent response and shut the guy down.

After conceding that the message briefly worked and “stirred a dormant fear” that she was undesirable, she explained that she was perfectly happy how she was.

I like the way I look. I don’t look like Charlize Theron, and that’s fine – I look like me, and I like myself (I’m sure I’d like Charlize Theron, too if I ever met her. I hear good things).

And asked if this was the reason he targeted her.

I like to think I come across as a confident, happy woman. But could this be the very reason you have targeted me? Did you see me and think “She has far too high an opinion of herself, she needs bringing down a peg or two”?

Thomas stated that, while she may be overweight, she still has the right to “love and enjoy” her body as it is.

I cried in my Slimming World group. That’s right! Slimming World! You see, I already KNOW that I’m overweight. I can tell you exactly how overweight I am – 20 pounds. I’ve already lost 15, and I’ve a stone and a half to go. I’m happy with that. I will get rid of it, safely and healthily. Does that mean that I can’t love and enjoy my body now? F*** no.

And implored the man — a father of a teenage daughter — to cop himself on and encourage his daughter to “develop a bomb-proof sense of self-esteem” so she, too, can deal with “small, unhappy men” in the future.

She then ended the letter with this sublime sign-off.



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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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