IT’S CHRISTMAS PARTY season around the country.
Irish workplaces have either had their wonderfully festive get together already or they’re prepping for the shenanigans this week.
So we want your best/most gas work Christmas party experiences. Shift somebody you shouldn’t have? Witnessed some debauchery that you feel the world should know about?
Leave them in the comments below, email them in confidence to tips@dailyedge.ie, tweet us with the hashtag #WorkPartyTales or send us a Facebook message. We offer full anonymity to all contributors.
Just like we do with these staff members (all at a previous stage of their employment, of course):
One Christmas party I was at was particularly bad for the MD – first, the drunken intern tried to make small talk while they were both at the urinal, asking him what he did at the company (“Er, I’m the MD”), then another employee threw up on the MD’s shoes and the MD’s wife’s coat. They went home early.
And then there was this person who found out what romance was… Irish Christmas party style:
I once got kicked up the backside at a Christmas party by a colleague who claimed later that he was drunk and he fancied me.
And here’s another honest story of the havoc a work Christmas party can wreak on your life:
I just didn’t go into work the next day after one of mine – didn’t phone, didn’t appear. This is after getting Indian wine with the accountant and pissing off my flat mate by bringing him back to the flat to drink wine and smoke fags indoors at about 3am. The fear was through the roof the next day I can tell you.
Monday morning would have been awkward after this bash:
At another party, there were four fist fights. I was not involved in any of them.
One colleague’s wife got so drunk that she had a tantrum about not wanting to go home and ended up lying on the floor, kicking her legs and refusing to get into the taxi that had been ordered for her.
Ah, Christmas parties.
So now, send us your best/worst Christmas party stories and we’ll collect the finest examples in a post. ’Tis the season and all that.