Dublin: 1 °C Thursday 13 March, 2025

16 things only people who work from home will understand

Freelancer? Jobseeker? Stay-at-home parent? We’re talking to you.

1. Genuinely looking forward to the moment the post arrives

Because it’s the most exciting moment of your day. “OOH, A NEW MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE. STIMULATING.”

Flickr/Bogdan Suditu

2. Checking your email every 15 seconds in case there’s something important

Or just, you know, a human interaction.


3. Being determined NOT TO GET DISTRACTED

And failing miserably.


4. Thinking ‘Should I shower before I start work?’ and immediately deciding ‘No’.

Flickr/Spring Dew

5. Knowing exactly how much time you can waste while “making a cup of tea”


6. Watching Dr Phil every day. And looking forward to it.


7. The thrill you get when you hear the ‘ping’ on your Facebook or Gchat, so you can have an actual conversation with someone.

Well, sort of actual.


8. That moment when you realise you’re treating your dog or cat like a co-worker


9. The gradual, inexorable deterioration of your personal grooming standards

Flickr/Ben + Sam

10. Punctuated by having to scramble to find something decent to throw on when a delivery person rings the bell at 3pm


11. Craving human interaction, but not really being able for it when it happens

And being the quietest person in the room thinking about when you can get home and watch that Home and Away you recorded.


12. Setting yourself X number of hours a day as work, and including doing the washing/having a shower/emptying the dishwasher in those X hours of ‘work’.


13. Finally learning exactly what the people on your street do all day, and paying close attention to them

Her at number 37 has put the bins out on the wrong day again. When will she learn.

Flickr/Ambernectar 13

14. The glory of being able to work in your pyjamas


15. Simultaneously, the hell of being able to work in your pyjamas.


16. And finally, when you leave the house, getting freaked out by all the sunshine and movement in the real world.

Flickr/Joris Leermakers

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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