Dublin: 10 °C Saturday 22 March, 2025

A Love Letter To Retail Workers And Bar Staff, The Real Christmas MVPs

The heroes we need but do not deserve.

AS THE LAST MINUTE Christmas rush gets underway, it’s time to give a shout out to the people making it all possible: Those of you in the service industry.

We see you, and we appreciate you. <3

Retail workers, we tip our caps to you

While everyone else is moaning about the stress of Christmas shopping, you are actually LIVING it.

Thanks for dealing with Christmas three months before Christmas should even be a thing

That can’t be a recipe for festive cheer.

Thanks for listening to the same songs ten times a day, five days a week, and not exploding when we ask you a stupid question

Source: videosanta69/YouTube

We can barely listen to this once without wanting to throw something, so fair play.

Sorry about the people who act like you’ve ruined Christmas for not stocking their preferred brand of toilet paper


Not a jury in the land would convict you if you decided to do away with them at that very moment.

Sorry about the bullsh*t that is St Stephen’s Day sales

There’s just no good reason for you to be up out of your bed the day after Christmas. We can’t explain it, nor will we condone it.

And bar staff, we haven’t forgotten about you

Dealing with heaps of people, all being their absolute worst selves. It can’t be easy.

Sticking it out through 12 Pubs, work parties, and the endless barrage of Christmas jumpers

12pubs Source: Shutterstock

Truly a heroic effort.

You really are doing the Lord’s work

22448_thank-you-zach-galifianakis Source: Gifwave

And the least we can do is be sound. So we promise to be sound.

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