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12 things all Workman's regulars know to be true

Get away from me, Gail Platt.

1. You’ll never know the true size of the place

Even after years of going there, you’re still finding new areas. The lil’ granny living room, the cloakroom all the way up the stairs… What other delights lurk inside?

2. You happily suck down €4 Gail Platt cocktails even though you’re not sure what’s in them

All the better, says you!

3. And you have blamed those Gail Platt cocktails for the horrors you faced the next day

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4. You’ve tried to be cool and hang in the house/hip-hop room, when really you want to dance to the Arctic Monkeys downstairs

Can I live?

5. You claim to have been there when Morrissey appeared at a gig in 2011

Books-Morrissey Source: AP/Press Association Images

Who’s to know if you were or you weren’t? You might have been, and that’s all that matters.

6. You witnessed the Great Jake Gyllenhaal Panic of 2012

62nd Berlin International Film Festival - Jury Press Conference Source: Markus Schreiber/PA Wire

On May 3, 2012, actor Jake Gyllenhaal was ‘spotted’ having a pint at the Workman’s, and Dublin Twitter promptly went into meltdown.

The rumour was never proven, but that didn’t stop everyone making a beeline for Wellington Quay on that fateful night.

7. And you got a selfie with Dean Norris of Breaking Bad fame in 2013

Who didn’t, in fairness?

8. You’ve made a holy show of yourself on karaoke night

Everyone, make way! You know the lyrics to Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush and you’re not afraid to use them!

9. And talked absolute SHITE to people in the smoking area

Partially because you thought they might be a member of a band you like, but you couldn’t be sure. You can never be sure in Workman’s.

10. You’ve definitely tried to look indie as f**k for the Somewhere? photographers

14237641_1310089755677372_561249973671181791_n Source: Facebook/Somewhere? Wednesdays at the Workman's Club

“Oh me? I’m just lost in the music. Not posing at all.”

11. And soldiered on through those wedged Saturday nights

12. But as much as you complain about it being ‘full of eejits’, you’ll keep going

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That’s love, folks.

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