Dublin: 6 °C Tuesday 11 March, 2025

The first ever World Blaa Eating Champion was crowned in Waterford today

Her prize? A crystal blaa.

LAST WEEK WE told you that the Waterford Harvest Festival would be hosting the world’s inaugural Blaa Eating Championships.

Because hey, why not?

Yesterday the festival hosted the first heats of the competition.

Would-be blaa-eating champions were instructed to eat five buttered blaas as quickly as possible with the three fastest blaa eaters progressing through to the final this afternoon.

Several people participated in the heats yesterday.

unnamed (3) Source: Claire Power

blaa1 Source: Waterford in your Pocket/Facebook

And it got fierce competitive.

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fgif2 Source: Waterford in your Pocket/Facebook

The three winners of yesterday’s heats were Mariusz Zdrojowy, Martin Godfrey and Amelia Scannell.

And the trio took to the stage this afternoon to eat more blaas in a bid to be crowned World Blaa Eating Champion.

unnamed (6) Source: Claire Power

Look at the concentration in their eyes!

unnamed (8) Source: Claire Power

But in the end there could only be one winner…

Behold your new World Blaa Eating Champion, Amelia Scannell!

unnamed (7) Source: Claire Power

Amelia received €150 and this crystal blaa engraved with the words “World Blaa Eating Champion”.

unnamed (2) Source: Claire Power

unnamed Source: Claire Power

Only in Waterford.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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