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Are these the world's best ads for safe sex?

A little bit NSFW, as you might expect.

Image: 3bp

THE NEWS TODAY that home testing kits for STIs are going to be available in Ireland will hopefully have a positive impact on the nation’s sexual health.

After all, no one wants an STI, and huge amounts of money is spent worldwide to try to impact the importance of safe sex on the human race.

Some of the campaigns are a bit much, some don’t make sense, but some are simply brilliant.

Here are eight of the world’s best safe sex ads.

20 Condoms

A safe sex take on Macklemore’s Thrift Shop, this ditty includes the lyric

I only have protected sex, I got twenty condoms in my pocket…


Durex goes Scottish


The scare tactic

Children get a bit of a rough ride in this ad, but there’s no denying that occasionally it’s not all sunshine and lollipops being a parent.


Condoms go Bollywood

It’s long, but oh so wonderful.  From the men dressed as condoms to the catchy lyrics, you’ll learn everything you ever wanted to know about our protectice friends.


Tasty, tasty chlamydia

NHS ad via Web Design Mash

The Tantrum

Again, this ad uses the occasionally terrifying reality of being a parent as an unprotected sex deterrent.


The world’s thinnest condom

This is the one condom ad that might actually make you cry.


Durex balloon bunnies

They’d make you tired just looking at them.


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