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8 things we'll be thrilled to leave behind in 2013

So long Miley’s tongue.

IN A YEAR where selfies came into their own and the twerking craze took over, there were more than a few annoying trends and pop culture fixations sweeping the internet.

Let’s raise a glass to some we’d love to see the back of come 1 January.

1. Funeral selfies

Nobody wants to see you pouting at your phone in front of a coffin. Nobody.

selfie Source: SelfieAtFunerals.Tumblr.com

slefi Source: SelfiesAtFunerals.Tumblr.com

2. #YOLO

When they start putting it on t-shirts in Penney, you know it’s gone too far.

yolo-14 Source: Ebay/Primark

3. #ThrowbackThursday

Look, everyone knows that using the #ThrowbackThursday hashtag is a thinly veiled attempt to rejig an old picture of yourself where you think you look hot. Cut it out.


4. Terrifying eyebrows

We blame model Cara Delevingne for this horrifying trend among teenage girls, currently terrorising Irish people up and down the country

@vogueaustralia shot by David Bailey Source: caradelevingne

5. Avicii’s Wake Me Up

Please, make the horror end.

Honorable mentions for Blurred Lines and Get Lucky.

Source: AviciiOfficialVEVO

6. Kar-Krashians

Can Kim, Kanye and co get any more ridiculous? While it’s unlikely the extended Kardashian family is going anywhere in 2014, we really must stop encouraging them.

For example, this is the ridiculously expensive handbag Kanye got Kim for Christmas. LOOK AT IT! These people must be stopped.

#HandPaintedGeorgeCondo #HermesBirkin #OneofOne #ChristmasPresentFromYeezy Source: kimkardashian

 7. The Harlem Shake

There was a time in 2013 when you couldn’t flick a snot without hitting someone doing the Harlem Shake. Thankfully the craze appears to have passed, but we can never be too vigilant.

Source: playtime mama

Source: Brian Walker

Source: Glen Lake

8. Miley Cyrus’ tongue

We don’t care what you wear Miley, just rein in the tongue.

#turntupshowertime Source: mileycyrus

I can't thank my babies enough! @mertalas @macpiggott Source: mileycyrus

6 Christmas cast-offs that are definitely lying around your house right now>

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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