IT HAPPENS EVERY YEAR when families and friends gather to exchange gifts.
Someone makes a shocking misjudgement of your taste with a present so boring and uninspired you’re left wondering if they know you at all.
Then you have to smile up at them and say “Cheers” like your opinion of them hasn’t changed entirely.
Of course we should be happy we even got a present at all, but come on. Here are nine gifts no one should ever have to accept.
Unless it is Terry’s Chocolate Orange. Then by all means, give it over.
Worse if they’re slipper socks. Too hot to wear to bed, too cold to wear as slippers. Why.
Scratch cards
Here’s why scratch cards are a cruel gift: it’s all fun for the first few minutes as you excitedly scratch away, but then there’s the crushing disappointment that follows the inevitable failure to match three amounts.
Random tech gadget there is no earthly use for
Like those USB plug-in lamps for your laptop, or these retro handsets you can connect to your smartphone. Nope.
Off brand bath gift sets
Are you saying that we smell so bad this putrid lavender stuff is preferable? Really?
A joke book
100 Side-Splitting Irish Jokes? To the toilet you go, to be picked up only in times of great need.
A calendar and/or diary
You’re going to write down all your dates and appointments in here…just kidding, you have a smartphone.
A Snuggie
You’ll use it, of course, but only when there is absolutely zero chance of being seen in it.
A re-gift
You gave it to them last year, and now they’re giving it back to you having forgotten the care and thought you put into buying it for them. That’s just rude, gift-giver. We won’t forget this.