1. This vampire with tampons for teeth
2. This Tampax ad with a large fish heading, um, uptown
3. This advert for ‘intimate wipes’ with the slogan ‘A Clean Beaver Always Finds More Wood’
4. This unbelievably sexist ad highlighting the issue from the guy’s perspective
5. This sanitary towel ad which might as well read ‘Your vagina smells’
5. And this advertorial suggesting you should clean your genitals before asking for a raise
6. This dramatic ad for tampons that are ‘very, very absorbent’*
7. This woman who can put her nether regions right in your face, without fear
8. OK, this is actually an ad for shoes. But we felt it merited inclusion.
“300 tampons = 1 pair of shoes”.
9. This ad that features a girl taking very good care of her beaver
10. This vintage PSA suggesting you should douche with Lysol disinfectant
11. This woman who is so sad because her vagina smells
So she has to hide it in the long grass.
12. This unbelievably awkward mother-daughter conversation about doucheing
13. And this one
“No more vinegar and water douches for me.”
14. This faintly terrifying Tampax ad
15. This commercial for an Indian brand, which takes it to the other extreme
(The unfortunate girl on the right is being eaten by a shark. To watch the full video, click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2zlonmo0dI)
16. And this mystifying tie-in to Wikileaks.
* We have our suspicions that this one might be a fake. Not least because ‘absorbent’ is spelled wrong.