THIS MONTH, IN association with Sprite Cucumber, we’re celebrating all the times you stayed as cool as a cucumber. No matter what was happening around you. We want to hear your most amusing disaster stories – and we’ll be sharing the best ones.
The reality of the rental market means that most people will share a home with an almost stranger at some point in their lives.
Sometimes, you gain a life long friend. Living with someone you get along with is genuinely heaps of fun.
Other times, far too often, you’re paired with a nightmare. Whether you found them on Daft, or slowly realised this old friend you’d agreed to live with is actually the worst person alive, living with people can be hard.
Remember that one housemate who put a dead dove in a box in the communal fridge? Or the one who labelled ALL of their food so no one else would sample it?
Who DOES that?
We want to hear about your nightmare housemate, or something they did that you tried REALLY hard to keep your cool with. Maybe you found something you absolutely didn’t want to find, or maybe they had extremely bad hygiene and left you to deal with the consequences.
Comment below, tweet us @dailyedge, or email niamh@dailyedge.ie for your tale to be featured. I mean, if nothing else, you got a good story out of it.