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The DOs and DON'Ts of epic logo fails

Some of the best and worst, right here. (Possibly NSFW.)

DESIGNING A LOGO is a tricky task for any company starting out. However, following these simple guidelines should help you avoid going viral with a horrendous logo fail.

DO: Give your logo a human face

The most brilliant logo design ever. - Imgur Source: Imgur

DON’T: Make that face look like this

53938lkh Source: Naszemiasto

From Polish satellite firm Mont-Sat.

DO: Make use of ‘negative space’ to paint a picture

pittsburgh-zoo-and-ppg-aquarium-logo-large Source: Wordpress

DON’T: Make use of ‘negative space’ to paint the wrong picture

11-hilarious-weird-logos-junior-jazz-dance-classes Source: Oddballdaily

DO: Include a risqué reference for publicity

camel tow Source: Facebook

DON’T: Do this by accident

14303_kidsexchange Source: i-am-bored

DO: Be playful with your font

eight-logo Source: Wordpress

DON’T: Let your font play any unintended tricks

megaflicks Source: Photobucket

DO: Include a clever ‘double vision’ effect

this logo blew my mind - Imgur Source: Imgur

DON’T: Get this horribly wrong

As in this former logo of Brazil’s Institute of Oriental Studies – a pagoda against the setting sun. Or something else.

DO: Include a tongue-in-cheek reference to pop culture

'WTF' Church Sign - Sacrilege or Good Marketing? Source: 965kvki

DON’T: Make everyone uncomfortable

80560032 Source: Ebaumsworld

DO: Include hidden details

Just noticed the bear and fish in the logo! - ImgurSource: Imgur See the bear on the Toblerone mountain?

DON'T: Include hidden details by accident

panda logo Source: boredpanda

DO: Make your product name look like something relevant

tostitos-logo-large Source: Wordpress

DON'T: Make your product name look like something else entirely

logo-fail-a-style Source: boredpanda

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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