1. Being an altar server at Mass and ringing the bell at the wrong time
The mortification.
2. Not having your book with you in school and having to look in with the person beside you
You: “Sorry, Miss. I forgot my Soundings today.”
Teacher: “Fine, look in with Seán.”
You: *feels the whole class judging you*
3. When your parents were even one minute late collecting you from somewhere
And you immediately assumed they had either (a) forgotten all about you or (b) perished on the way.
4. When you were in the middle of an important exam and your pen/pencil broke
And you couldn’t ask anyone for a lend of one in case the teacher gave out to you for talking.
5. Running out of paper in your answer booklet and frantically trying to get the exam supervisor’s attention to get extra paper
6. Forgetting your school lunch :(
And having to spend the day *praying* that your Mam might realise and leave it in the office for you.
7. Getting a letter from the library about overdue books and being certain that you were going to be sent to prison
We can see the headlines now: “10-year-old receives 6 months in jail for possession of overdue copy of Under The Hawthorn Tree”
8. Arriving into PE and finding out that you would be doing the dreaded bleep test
9. When you were in the middle of a game and your Mam would threaten to turn the TV
“I don’t care. Your dinner is ready.”
10. Hearing the opening strains of the Glenroe theme song and knowing you didn’t have your geography homework done
11. Buying loads of penny jellies and being worried that you didn’t have enough change
*throws handful of pennies on the counter and hopes for the best*
12. Having a low ‘luv’ count on Bebo and worrying that you weren’t popular
13. Struggling to fit everyone into your Top 16 without offending someone…
More stressful than the Leaving Cert, tbh.
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