1. The d**khead who insists on revving his car engine as you’re crossing the road
What? Are you threatening to run me over?
2. The d**khead who insists on wearing a big bulky backpack to a gig
Extremely rude.
3. The d**khead who won’t wait for everyone to get off the bus/Luas before hopping on
Wait your damn turn.
4. The d**khead who insists on reclining his seat during a long-haul flight
Can you not?
5. The d**khead who sees nothing wrong with standing completely still on the moving walkway
Please respect the fact that some of your fellow passengers spent too long shopping in the duty-free and are now in a rush to make it to Gate 28.
6. The d**khead who sits next to you in the cinema/bus when there’s loads of empty seats around
7. The d**khead who claims to be looking for their friend and skips the bathroom queue at a festival
Oh, look at that. Her friend was in that loo that just became vacant. Isn’t that convenient?
8. The d**khead who starts knocking on your toilet cubicle door about 10 seconds after you go in
Oh my God, I’m just trying to have a wee.
9. The d**khead who places an empty carton of milk back in the fridge just to toy with your emotions
10. The d**khead who posts television spoilers on Twitter/Facebook with gleeful abandon
11. The d**khead who exits a café/restaurant… and doesn’t shut the door behind them
12. The d**kead who ‘sees’ your message and just doesn’t bother their hole replying
Way to leave us on edge.
13. The d**khead who asks Facebook/Twitter something they could ~easily~ Google
“What time does the cinema open?”
Google it, hun.
14. The d**khead who tells you that you haven’t placed the item in the bagging area when you JUST BLOODY PUT THE ONION THERE
15. The d**khead who doesn’t put their dog on a lead and expects you to be delighted, nay, honoured when their dog decides to sniff/lick you