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11 simple pranks that are just too cruel for words

Stop the madness.

SOME PEOPLE JUST want to watch the world burn.

1. Chaos. Utter chaos

how-to-make-your-kids-hate-you Source: Geek Miss

2. Here’s a guy about to lose all of his friends

mayonnaise-donuts Source: Chasing Weekends

3. A heart attack is imminent

evil_ideas_10 Source: Funpedia

4. Unforgivable

CIMG1192 Source: Mailchimp

5. What kind of monster would ruin Oreos for someone?

tumblr_mng8xdnd6V1qb5gkjo7_500 Source: Mybs

6. Distressing scenes

t0O05 Source: Imgur

7. Nightmares forever

25-toy-baby-behind-window-prank Source: Pmslweb

8. Subtle, yet outrageously evil

DJbQkFj Source: Imgur

9. This one probably serves them right, to be fair

tumblr_moukui4ByM1qhdgkgo1_500 Source: Mybs

10. An appalling misuse of cheese

next-level-prank-cream-cheese Source: Prankked.com



This is the most extensive and brilliant Nicolas Cage prank ever pulled>

This Nutella toilet prank is the embodiment of pure evil>

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