THE VAST MAJORITY of us have had week-long bickering fests or scream-yourself-hoarse scraps with our siblings.
And if you haven’t, well, congrats; what’s your secret?
But for the rest of us, we’ve all had times when we’ve been left reeling by the carry-on of our brothers and sisters, right?
Whether they’re utterly oblivious to everything going on in our lives, downright stingy when it comes to birthday presents or just a pure pain in the arse, we guarantee you others have it worse.
We mean, take a look at this…
1. Sorry, but that’s plain evil.
Called my sister on private number so all she'd hear when she answered was the Jeepers Creepers theme song.🙃🙃🙃 #worstsibling
— Ally 🌵 (@APxtcher26) April 23, 2017
2. How could you not know what age your sibling is?
When you realize it's your sisters birthday tomorrow and you don't know how old she's turning #oops #worstsibling
— 𝓛𝓲𝓵 𝓰𝓵𝓸✨ (@GEORGlANNA) August 31, 2014
3. Yeah, way to fudge the system.
My brother just handed me my gift & then said "its how much money I owe you so now we're even"
— Tiffany (@LabellaTr) December 24, 2013
Umm..that's not how it works.#worstsibling
4. Sorry, but is that not a bit demented?
Whenever I'm watching tv with my sister and those dog commercials about abuse come on, I turn it up bc my she starts to cry #worstbrother
— Messy dedic (@messyhascandy) December 21, 2014
5. No, like.
I just bet my 14 year old brother $5 to chug half a bottle of Malibu😂 #worstsister
— StoltzyBaby (@AllyStoltzmann) March 26, 2014
6. Seriously, that’s not how it works.
What can I wrap in my room to give to Nicole for her bday... #worstbrother
— Chris Bennett (@Chris_LBennett) February 5, 2017
7. Send it your mam instead, sure.
Christmas cards done and addressed. The 2 addresses I don't yet have? For two of my brothers. #siblingfail
— Chris Hubbs (@cjhubbs) December 11, 2010
8. Fairly subtle, then?
Sister's had glasses for close to a year and I've only just found out #ShitSibling
— Matt Peters (@maaattpeters) February 26, 2013
9. Stealing your thunder is a cardinal sin.
Damn you stupid brother. My gift vouchers were going down a storm with mum and dad until you sprung on them a trip to New York. #shitsibling
— Fiona Jane Sadler (@fi_fitz) December 26, 2012
10. Sound.
Love it when I'm walking down the road and my brother drives past and shouts 'SLUT' out of the window and makes me jump, #hatemysibling.
— liv ✨ (@livmagu) September 17, 2011
11. We mean, he can’t really help it.
ugh i've never noticed it before but my brother's voice is so monotone and shit :| #ihatemysibling
— Emmaline (@emmaopteryx) June 8, 2010
12. Not cool.
I convinced tristan that my dads never coming home ever again.. he cried #worstsister
— isa (@isaadro) October 21, 2013
13. Absolutely out of the question.
Natalie just hid in the back of my car and pretended to basically abduct me when I got in. #worstsister #itsarealfear #shesstilllaughing 😒
— Soraya Parsi (@SoyySaucy) March 27, 2013
14. Like, why?
Brother just pushed me into a bush. Now my legs have scratches all over them & I'm bleeding. OH he also took my iced coffee. #ihatemysibling
— em (@emillionaire_) June 9, 2011
15. Piss off right now.
my sister was on the couch and I walked up outside and banged on the window, she got so scared she locked herself in her room #worstsister
— lara teskey (@larateskey22) September 15, 2016
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