THERE IS LOTS to love about being a girl and having girl hair.
There are so many things you can do with it and if you need a boost it’s easy to make a change.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s without its challenges. If fact, there are lots of them.
Here are the worst things about having girl hair.
Drying it
It takes ages. It takes ages. And that’s even if you’re not doing any kind of fancy drying with multiple round brushes.
Some lucky people are able to just let their hair dry naturally but for others, this is texturally impractical… also if you let it dry in the winter you’ll freeze.
Also, most people need to try lots of different things before they find what they actually want resulting in lots and lots of waste and lots and lots of bottles taking up space in your bathroom or other storage area. (Obviously you should give or throw these away, but you’ve spent good money on them dammit!)
Depending on your hair type, dealing with your tangles can be an intense daily battle or it may just be an occasionaly daliance with misery.
One thing’s for sure, if you have long hair you will experience a knot of epic proportions many times in your life. If you’re particularly unlucky you may experience one of those knots while drying your hair, resulting in one of the aforementioned round brushes.
Never being able to find a hair bobbin
When you don’t need one, they’re everywhere.
When you do need one, they are nowhere to be seen. Same goes for hair clips.
Hair bobbins not being able for your hair
Not every hair bobbin is made of strong stuff, and there are few things more frustrating than managing to find one of them only for it to snap as you wind it around your hair.
Hours in the hairdresser
A hair cut? Fine, you could be in and out in an hour.
Getting your hair coloured? Much longer. One member of the team once spent six hours in the hairdressers chair (crying intermittently because she’d just broken up with her boyfriend).
In-hairdresser disappointment
In the journey towards finding your spirit hairdresser you will experience/have experienced this many times:
You tell them what you want.
You show them a photo.
They do whatever the hell they feel like. (Always involving layers, even if you’ve specified that you don’t want them.)
Post-hairdresser disappointment
You leave the hairdresser feeling like someone in a shampoo ad. You feel like a superstar! This is your dream hair! You’ve finally found it!
Then you wash it and realise it was all a mirage. It will never look that good again because you are an inferior human being who does not possess the magical powers of your hairdressing wizard.
If you don’t have one, you’re probably thinking about getting one.
If you have one, you’re probably thinking about growing it out.
If you’re growing it out, it’s a major pain in the ass.
Humidity = frizz.
Rain = frizz.
Heat = sweat = frizz.
Wind = MESS.
The weather is the enemy of girl hair.
Lots of girls with grey hair feel that they have to cover it up. This is tedious and expensive and a reminder of aging that most people could do without.
Undercuts look really cool but If you’ve ever had an undercut, you know the pain of growing it out.
It takes months, if not years, and the interim period is not pretty.
If you have curly hair you probably wish it was staight. If you have straight hair you probably wish it was curly. Thick, think, long, short, we’re never happy with what we actually have.
Still… at least most of us don’t have to worry about going bald, eh?