Dublin: -1 °C Wednesday 19 March, 2025

The 16 worst types of people on the bus

Guaranteed to rile you up on any given day.

1. That one person listening to dance music full blast on crap headphones on an otherwise silent bus

2. The seat hoggers whose knees seemingly can’t be less than a metre apart at any time

3. Anyone who avoids eye contact with you so they don’t have to move their bag to give you a seat

4. The person who doesn’t have their change ready. Cardinal sin

5. The people who try to stand in the upper saloon. THERE IS NO STANDING IN THE UPPER SALOON

6. The lad mates who take up two seats each because actually sitting beside each other is weird, man

7. The people who insist on closing windows on warm days, or opening them on cold ones

8. The ones who barge on to the bus without letting anybody off first

Tweet by @nicole robichaux🌻 Source: nicole robichaux🌻/Twitter

9. People who purposefully sit in the middle of the seat

10. The ones who watch YouTube videos or listen to music without headphones. How DARE you

11. The person having an extremely loud phone call at like, 7am. How is this, and why

12. Starey children

13. The people who scoot away from you as soon as an empty seat is available, leaving you feeling lonely and used

14. The person who refuses to hang on to anything, even though the bus is jerking all over the place. Sure don’t they have a fine strong centre of gravity *stumbles*

15. The full class of students drinking cans, chanting, and stomping on the floor of the upper deck on their way into town

16. And the people who don’t move down the f**king bus. JUST DO IT

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