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The 16 greatest ways to respond to a wrong-number text

Look man I’m just interested in the car.

1. The Straight Burn

Source: Imgur

2. The ‘No, I’m A Grill’

Source: Justsomething

3. The Selfie-Off

Source: Imgur

4. The ‘Look man, I’m just interested in the car’

Source: knowyourmeme

5. The Compliment

Source: Imgur

6. The Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls

Source: thenapturalone

7. The ‘Cuban Pete’

Source: Imgur

8. The Selfie-Off (Hairy Chest Edition)

Source: Imgur

9. The Dog

Source: Justsomething

10. The Where’s Rudy

Source: Imgur

11. The Brotha

Source: Imgur

12. The Photoshop 101

Source: Imgur

13. The NSA Quartet

Source: Justsomething

14. The Let It Out, Bro, Let It Out

Source: Imgur

15. The… Wait… No, there isn’t a way to respond to this

Source: Imgur

16. And the ‘You know what? I’m not even mad.’

Source: Imgur

Source: Imgur

Source: Imgur

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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