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The 14 most WTF moments from the Rose of Tralee 2014

It was another festival of weirdness.

THE FESTIVAL IS over. The Philadelphia Rose has won tenancy rights on a tiara and a car with decals. And Dáithí Ó Sé is having a lie-in.

It was, as ever, totally bizarre. Here are the moments that made Ireland do a double-take:

1. The sheer weirdness of seeing someone actually do this in real life

Good work Dublin Rose Róisín Lyons. Is it OK to say that the only other people who have clothes like that are strippers?

Source: BlogSpot

2. This mammy kicking a dog

All in the piece to camera for poor Sydney Rose Imelda Finnegan’s intro section. There she is trying to tell us about her charity work and love for GAA, and her mam’s in the background trying to punt the family dog in the ribs.

3. Also, mammies being exactly the same in Southern California

Southern California’s Katie Bergman revealed she recently suffered a pulmonary embolism. Before she was hospitalised, however, her mother dismissed her worries:

She thought I had gas.

Ah, yes. Gas. Take some Andrew’s Liver Salts and you’ll be grand.

Embarrassed now, aren’t you mam?

4. The Scottish Rose obviously almost retching as she demonstrated her REAL talent

On stage, she sang Caledonia and everyone had a cry. Backstage, she can stuff four Tunnocks Teacakes in her mouth at the same time.

Fair play. She kept it in.

5. Everyone in Ireland dying a death as this man ‘covered’ the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme tune

Source: RTÉ - Ireland's National Television and Radio Broadcaster/YouTube

6. The Kerry Rose’s escort being slightly traitorous

He made and displayed this poster. Is that even allowed?

7. The North Carolina Rose completely owning the stage in a totally un-Rose-of-Tralee like way

Coming dangerously close to slagging Jesus, for example:

Source: Thejournal

She could never win with this kind of carry-on. But she was the victor of our hearts.

8. Daithi doing the Ice Bucket Challenge… after being nominated by his mother-in-law

Source: RTÉ - Ireland's National Television and Radio Broadcaster/YouTube

9. The Boston Rose’s crazy-paving necklace

Source: Holoweb

10. This guy’s customised Rose of Tralee haircut

That’s the Arizona Rose’s brother. Yes, he’s wearing her face in his mohawk. No biggie.

11. Interpretive dance being the new Talent Trend

Other than the teacakes woman, obviously. Not one but TWO Roses decided to let their inner selves loose on the stage. Whatever happened to reading a poem you wrote yourself?

12. The Derby Rose ALMOST saying the N-word backstage

She was rapping Golddigger, and she almost let THAT lyric slip. Almost.

This was the face she made afterwards. As we called it in our liveblog, “the face of immediate regret”.

13. The Dáithí Nose Rub

Something most of us can only dream about. But not New Zealand Rose Lisa Bazalo, who got some of Dáithí’s stage makeup right on her face.


14. And finally, the winning Rose having the best skin in Ireland, nay, the universe

Seriously, look at it. She’s like a CELEBRITY.

Once she appeared with that kind of outer covering AND revealed she was a Pioneer, there was nothing else for it.

All over for another year, eh?

As it happened: The crowning of the Rose of Tralee 2014>

As it happened: Night one of Rose of Tralee 2014>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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