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Here's why everyone in the US is talking about this lesbian yoghurt ad

Progress through yoghurt.

IT’S NOT SUPERBOWL level stuff, but a yoghurt ad aired in the US yesterday turned everyone’s head.

Chobani is a well-known brand of Greek yoghurt – and they’ve decided to do something a little different with their latest ad.

It started out like every other one – somebody enjoying delicious yoghurt


Like, loving it


Then at the end, she seductively rubs a foot


Which turns out to belong to a woman


The ad has been applauded by many, especially given it’s Pride month

Others thought that it was a bit much for a yoghurt ad

But some people weren’t too happy with the reference AT ALL

Watch the full ad here and judge for yourself:

Source: Chobani/YouTube

Speaking to AdWeek about the slot, the head of Chobani doesn’t see any issue with it whatsoever:

For us, it’s why not, not why. There’s nothing new here, per se. Inclusion and equality has been and is foundational and fundamental to the company.

More equality in yoghurt commercials from now on, everyone.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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