YOUR PARENTS DON’T have superpowers, as much as it might seem like that sometimes.
They simply have spent a lifetime perfecting certain skills that in turn make you feel like you can never live up to them.
Well, you can’t, especially these tasks…
1. Cooking
Mammy’s cooking is superior to all other cuisine. Even if your mother was an awful cook, there was always something she could make better than anyone else. Everyone has ‘their’ stew, coddle or bolognese that can never be ordered at a restaurant because it just won’t be right.
Don’t get us started on mam’s tea. It’s not hard to make but the proportions are JUST RIGHT. The special ingredient; Mammy.
As for Dad’s barbeque? Delicious, tender, smoky, better than yours.
2. Driving
Remember the days when you were safely locked into the back of the car, not a worry about having to drive it or any doubt you’d get from A to B safely? Even to this day, don’t even think about matching your Dad’s parallel parking. It stops short of actual hovering.
3. Sewing
The minute a button would come loose on your school shirt it was all, “Maaaaam”. You’ve tried to do it and it turned out like this, that’s if you can even thread it the needle to begin with.
Also see ironing and washing.
4. Entertaining
Whenever you invite people around to your house, it’s just not the SAME. Sure, you’ve attempted triangular sandwiches and have the USA biscuits laid out to perfection, but it’s never got that motherly touch, even if you are a mother. Never-ending sambos please.
Dad’s jokes are also unrivalled. Some of the best comedians in the world started off by simply trying to impress their Dads*, all have failed.
5. Being assertive
YOU might not be bothered going to exchange that dress but you better believe it that your mam would. No refunds? Not on mam’s watch.
6. Healing
Your parents are more knowledgeable than any doctor, and more caring than any nurse. Your mam can diagnose your spell (sitting on the damp wall) and prescribe the perfect medicine (hot 7up). Spend some time in hospital and you’ll be gagging to get back to your home comforts, not least to have your mam at your beck and call.
7. Knowing how you feel
“You’re tired, God love you”. “I’d say you’re freezing in that house”. “You wouldn’t like them”. You’ll never be in tune with your likes, preferences and moods as well as your parents will, or think they are.