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'Your Da' insults are officially the new 'Your Ma' insults

Heard your da wears trousers that zip off into shorts.

Source: Shutterstock

THE ‘YOUR MA’ insult has been a part of the playground lexicon since time immemorial. A perfect way to destroy your opponent, with reference to their mother’s personal hygiene, figure, or sexual proclivities.

But now, its place at the top of the slagpile is under threat from a newer contender: the ‘Your Da’ insult.

The ‘Your Da’ curse-out is more subtle than the ‘Your Ma’ approach. It’s not about how your da sleeps around, or that he’s not pleasing to the eye. (These differences may tell their own story about gender stereotypes.)

Instead, the classic Your Da slag generally centres around him being a bit of a boring saddo.

With occasional doses of ‘absolutely ridiculous’.

As the Your Da insult has developed, it has sometimes got extremely specific.

But when necessary, it can be used to deliver a truly brutal burn.

Your poor da.

Source: Shutterstock/Ruslan Guzov

Only joking. Heard Master and Commander is your da’s favourite film and he owns it on Blu-Ray.

More: The greatest Irish insults, ranked in order of severity>

More: 15 compliments that may be stealth insults>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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