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5 thoughts we all have when trying to replicate beauty tutorials at home

Replicating a YouTube makeup tutorial truly is the bane of our lives.

WE’VE ALL BEEN there. You want to do something different with your makeup and turn to YouTube for tutorials.

You’re both excited and slightly terrified as all going well you’ll look incredible once it’s done but when you try to replicate the look at home, it tends to go badly.

We all end up with the same thoughts.

1. Wearing false eyelashes for the first time is a strange sensation

The first time you wear false eyelashes, you think you’ve gone blind. You’re wandering around like a newborn foal, struggling to walk and see simultaneously.

They are a form of witchcraft yet you finally feel like you’ve achieved that volume mascara look. It truly is a wild time in our lives.


2.That first time you attempt contouring

If you’re anything like me (and I sincerely hope you’re not) then contouring is a whole other level of makeup to you.

Suddenly you’re having foundation applied to you on certain areas and in certain shapes and your face automatically looks the better for it. It looks so simple and yet whenever you try to do it at home, you end up resembling 14 year old Wezz you. A look which nobody wants to return to.


3. When you realise how important eyebrows are

According to Marie Claire doing your eyebrows was an important part of make up for the Ancient Greeks in 800BC.

Apparently unwed women would touch up their eyebrows using black incense to indicate their availability. Uni brows were also popular.

In more modern times while we don’t sport a uni brow, we do plunge the odd bit of eye shadow to darken up our brows. Shaping my brows is a whole other art form to me and frankly scares me and something which I don’t dare to even attempt to replicate. Stay in your lane.


4. The terrifying prospect of liquid eyeliner

How many times have you stabbed yourself in the eye when you’ve been doing your own eyeliner? How does one trust a makeup artist not to stab you in the eye while doing it? Of course they’re professionally trained but that doesn’t stop the fear of losing your eye in some horrible eyeliner-related accident.

And don’t even get me STARTED on the curse that is liquid eyeliner. No matter how long we leave our eyes closed, we always open them too early and smudge it. RIP our potentially incredible wings.


5.  When you finally discover lip liner

Having only been recently introduced to the miracle that is lip liner, having lips that looked twice their normal size was a whole new thing for me. I once had my makeup done by an artist who managed to use two different lipsticks to create a love heart effect on my mouth.

I’ve been unable to replicate this look which has left me empty and sad since. I hope the rest of you are having better luck with it.


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About the author:

Rachel O'Neill

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