EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.
Zayn Malik has been on New York’s Sirius XM radio station discussing his new 50 Shades of Grey track – and the conversation naturally moved on to his romance with Gigi Hadid.
And the presenter was doing all he could to get Zayn to dish the dirt.
Firstly he suggested to Zayn that he has “lived the movie”, to which Zayn could only chuckle and say:
I like that.
How they ended up together was a lot more straightforward though:
I just asked her, it was pretty straight up. I just asked her if she wanted to go on a date. I was in New York.
When pushed on where it was, he got even more coy:
Yeah kind of, yeah… A gentleman never tells the full details, but we met and we spoke and we went on a date.
People will just have to wait for another book if they want the deets. (Mirror)
Kim Kardashian has made a rather surreal so-called return to social media – her first appearance since the robbery in Paris.
Her Kimoji brand launched a new verified Instagram page – and the nine posts are all essentially a variation of twerking videos, with the caption “DECEMBER 16″:
We can safely assume something big is going to be announced tomorrow then.
Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton wasn’t exactly impressed with her return:
After your “traumatic” Paris robbery, THIS is how you return to Instagram? Clearly nothing’s changed.
As Inquisitr says, it’s likely that new merchandise will be launched tomorrow – and:
People reported Kim has “liked” most of the new Kimoji account’s photos from her personal account, proving she’s still active on the social media platform.
The world waits with bated breath. (US Magazine)
Amy Huberman spotted that The Irish Fairy Door Company got a shoutout on Kourtney Kardashian’s Snapchat.
So she got a response from her own fairy:
On-line presence.
And the rest of the day’s celebrity dirt…
- Robin Thicke has spoken about the sad passing of his father yesterday. (E!)
- Jennifer Lawrence and The Peeing Photobomb: A one act play. (MTV)
- Anna Faris and Chris Pratt kissing on the red carpet is as adorable as you’d expect. (DailyMail)
- There’s an X Factor romance rumour doing the rounds involving Matt Terry and Caroline Alvares. (Mirror)