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Want to see Mark Zuckerberg's first website? Of course you do

Here are the best bits from 15-year-old Mark…

Zuckerberg pictured in 2007 (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

ONE OF THE early websites of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg appears to have been uncovered by Hacker News.

The outdated Angelfire page complete with various Java apps and a precursor to the social map that would eventually become Facebook feature on the site, along with typical teenage carry on like discussing his favourite foods and burning his friends.

Gizmodo somewhat uncharitably repeatedly calls the site “embarrassing”. Come on! He was fifteen and it was 1999.

When we were 15 we were crooning along to Alanis Morrissette and worrying about spots.

Here are the best bits…

The welcome page

The ‘about me’ section

Hi, my name is…Slim Shady. No, really, my name is Slim Shady. Just kidding, my name is Mark (for those of you that don’t know me) and I live in a small town near the massive city of New York. I am currently 15 years old and I just finished freshman year in high school. I have remodeled this website in an attempt that perhaps some search engine will recognize it. I am trying to promote my new AOL Program, The Vader Fader, which you can download elsewhere on this site. It is a decent fader. If you have any comments about this website, the java applets on it, or the Vader Fader which I am trying to promote, please contact me. My E-Mail address is at the bottom of this page.

“I am currently 15 years old”. Love it.

The pong game

Which would be fun were it not hindered by the hideous Angelfire ads

His favourite things

Favourite food: Quesadillas

Flickr/CreativeCommons/Plastic Revolver

The best achievement by a human: The laser

3rd best pianist: Himself

Favourite web presence: Himself

The best at everything: Himself

His vision of “The Web”

As of now, the web is pretty small. Hopefully, it will grow into a larger web. This is one of the few applets that require your participation to work well. If your name is already on The Web because someone else has chosen to be linked to you, then you may choose two additional people to be linked with. Otherwise, if you see someone who you know and would like to be linked with but your name is not already on The Web, then you can contact me and I will link that person to you and put you on The Web. If you do not know anyone on The Web, contact me anyway and I will put you on it. In order for this applet to work, you must E-Mail me your name and the names of the two people that you would like to be linked with. Thank you!

Magnetic poetry

Visit Mark’s Homepage for a closer look (you will need to have Java installed)>

Mark Zuckerberg: A life in quotes>

Facebook to unveil new ‘home’ on Android screens>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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